How To Lose Love Handles: 9 Tips to get rid of love handles

How To Lose Love Handles?

Love Handles are excess fat that hangs on the sides of the waist. Many people work hard in the gym to reduce love handles and even do exercises that target love handles like side crunches, side dumbells, and other abdominal moves. However, these exercises are not that helpful in reducing love handles. So basically if you want to lose love handles then you have to lose overall body fat. So let's see how to lose love handles.

1. Take Healthy Fats:

Make sure that you are eating good fats and not bad ones. There are many healthy fats items like olive oil, avocados, rice, sunflower oils, flax seeds, nuts, fatty fish, eggs,  and many more. By taking healthy fats you will feel full and helps you to eat less. But don't consume too many fats as fats are high in calories.

2. Take Complex Carbs:

Complex Carbs are very beneficial in losing fat. They took a long time to digest as compared to simple carbs. Simple carbs, on the other hand, get converted to fat in less time, resulting in fat gain. Replace simple carbs present in white bread, white rice, and white pasta with complex carbs present in brown bread, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, oats, and sweet potatoes.

3. Be in Calorie Deficit:

Even if you train harder to lose your love handles, you will not see results if are not eating less according to your maintenance calories. So make sure to calculate your maintenance calories and be on a calorie deficit diet. You should eat a well-balanced diet of nutrients and vitamins.

4. Stay Hydrated With Water:

Water is very essential for our health as our body contains about 60% of water. Many People drink sweet beverages like container juice, tea, or caffeinated drinks when they feel thirsty. These drinks contain lots of sugar and calories. So try to avoid them and make sure to drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

5. Increase your Protein Intake:

Protein plays a major role in reducing fat. Include protein-rich foods in your meals like milk, soya chunks, eggs, nuts, lentils, meats, and seafood. They help to reduce body fat including love handles.  So make sure to increase your daily protein intake and reduce carbs.

6. Include fiber in your meals:

Fiber fills the stomach without giving extra calories which results in fat loss. So to lose your fat in love handles, include soluble fiber in your meals to reduce your calories intake and also to fulfill your hunger. You can consume soluble fiber through foods like beans, sprouts, nuts, oats, green leafy vegetables, corn, and fruits.

7. Do Workout and Cardio:

If you want to burn fat faster and stay healthy then you should workout. Add weight training to your workout to burn fat faster and remember to keep your workout intensity high. Doing Cardio also boosts fat-burning speed. So do cardio and workout both to see results faster.

8. Cut out Alcohol and Sugar:

Alcohol can ruin your fat loss goal as studies showed that there is a link between alcohol and body fat gain. Alcoholic drinks contain lots of calories and sugar which can cause fat gain. Also, you should try to cut out sugar as it contains a lot of calories, and it gets converted to fat in a short time resulting in fat gain.

9. Sleep well:

Not sleeping well can increase your cortisol hormone level which leads to weight gain. So to avoid gaining weight you should sleep well. You should aim to sleep between 7 to 9 hours uninterruptedly.

I hope this article on how to lose love handles from Big-Bicep helps you in your fitness journey. Don't forget to share this article with your friends and if you have any doubts or suggestions, feel free to comment below. 

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