How to get Bigger Arms: 11 Tips for Biceps and Triceps


How to get bigger arms? 

Many of us want bigger arms. But when it comes to training and diet, most of us don't know the right technique to grow bicep and tricep. And even most of us focus more on biceps rather than triceps. As a result, we didn't see arms growth. So let's see how to get bigger arms.

1. Focus on Triceps:

We should focus more on the triceps as it takes up two-thirds (2/3) size of the arms. Many people neglect triceps or take them lightly, but it takes up a major size of arms. So if you want your arms to look bigger, you should focus more on the triceps and especially on the long head of the triceps.

2. Don't Over-Train Arms:

Many people train their arms more frequently and even do extra exercises and only with heavyweights. But Biceps and Triceps are small muscles. So we should train arms 1 to 3 times a week but with the right intensity and volume. A total of 4-6 exercises (with a set range of 3-4 and a rep range of 8-20) are enough for your arms. If you train Biceps and Triceps separately, then 2-3 exercises for each muscle are sufficient.

3. Be in Calorie Surplus:

Even if you train your muscles with the best exercises, you will not gain muscles if are not eating enough. So make sure to calculate your maintenance calories and be in a calorie surplus.

4. Drink Plenty of water:

Water is very essential for muscle growth as muscle contains more than 70% of water. So make sure that you are drinking enough water throughout the day. You should also drink water before and after 15 minutes of the workout. And also you can drink water between workouts but don't drink too much.

5. Eat a Healthy Diet:

Diet is one of the most important things in muscle building. You should eat a well-balanced diet and make sure that you are taking enough vitamins and nutrients in your diet. You can also take dietary supplements if you need them.

6. Develop Mind-Muscle connection:

The Mind-Muscle connection takes time to develop. So if you are new to muscle building, you should focus on developing a mind-muscle connection. Don't go for a heavyweight, take lightweight and focus on lifting weight, and "feel the muscle doing work".

7. Also Focus on the Eccentric (Negative) movements:

Make sure to also focus on eccentric (negative) movements. And also don't ego-lift and do the full range of motion for every rep. By focusing on eccentric movement, your muscular strength increases and it also improves muscle coordination and balance.

8. Take enough Protein:

Protein is very important for muscle growth. So make sure to take your daily protein intake. I recommend 0.8g protein per 1 pound of your weight (so if your weight is 150 lbs then take 150*0.8 = 120g protein throughout the day).

9. Do Progressive Overloading:

If you want to increase the size of muscle then you should do progressive overloading. You can achieve this simply by increasing the weight that you are lifting after each week or by increasing the intensity of your workout by decreasing rest time between sets.

10. Change exercise to break plateau:

If you are not a gym newbie, it becomes difficult to gain muscle. Try changing your exercises and change your workout plan if you hit your plateau. You should also change your diet and training method to break your plateau. "Consistency and patience is the key to success".

11. Sleep well:

Muscles repair themselves and gain size during sleep. Testosterone (the hormone responsible for muscle growth) is developed by the body during sleep. So make sure you are sleeping enough to give your body rest. You should sleep between 6 to 9 hours.

I hope this article on how to get Bigger Arms from Big-Bicep helps you in your fitness journey. Don't forget to share this article with your friends and if you have any doubts or suggestions, feel free to comment below. 

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